Wolf - New PNR by N Gray

Wolf - New PNR by N Gray

The last book in the Shifter Days, Vampire Nights & Demons in between series releases today! 

Wolf is one of my favorite books to write, I hope you enjoy reading it.

To grab your copy, click here



There were other coffee shops in Sterling Meadow, but this one I loved. Their coffees were smooth, rich, and mouth-watering. I only had one tiny addiction—coffee. I wasn’t a connoisseur, per se, but I liked what I liked. And this coffee was the absolute best; magnifique, as the French would say.

The line moved, and I was finally inside the shop. Peering around the shoulders of the man in front of me, I glimpsed at the counter. I moaned inwardly and hoped the owner didn’t see me. Not that I didn’t like Jason; he was gorgeous to look at, but… there was always a but. He was a wolf. An alpha were-wolf part of Shawn’s pack. And he owned the best freaking coffee in town. What alpha wolf, in his right mind, did that? A man like him should be out doing wolf stuff, not mess with my coffee, or bake the best muffins. Yet, it was his coffee I craved and bought daily.

“Claire!” boomed his voice from behind the counter. “Your order is ready.”

If this was any other coffee shop, I’d gladly smile and head over to the front, passing all the waiting suckers. But this was Jason’s coffee shop, and I’d hoped he wasn’t in today. The moon was full last night, and his kind usually hunted all night and slept all day. But he wasn’t sleeping. No, not this man. He had to be in his shop, staring right at me.

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